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Resonances and periodic orbits:
spectrum and zeta functions in quantum and classical chaos
Résonances et orbites périodiques:
spectre et fonctions zêta du chaos quantique et classique (Ecole thématique CNRS)

June 27-July 5, 2005
All lectures in Amphi Hermite, ground floor of IHP
11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 75005 Paris (metro/RER Luxembourg)

Monday June 27
10h30--12h *ZWORSKI "Counting zeros of zeta functions" I
14h30-16h *RUGH "Spectra of analytic hyperbolic maps and flows" I
16h-16h30 coffee break
16h30-17h15 ZAGIER: "Automorphic forms and their period functions"

Tuesday June 28
9h30-11h *COLIN DE VERDIERE "Determinants of Sturm-Liouville operators and semi-classical trace formulas" I
11h-11h15 coffee break
11h15-12h45 *ZWORSKI II
14h15-15h00 ZELDITCH: "Complex zeros of real ergodic eigenfunctions"
15h15-16h MAYER: "Transfer operators and the automorphic functions for modular groups".
16h-16h30: coffee break
16h30-17h15 BISMUT: "The hypoelliptic Laplacian"

Wednesday June 29
11h-11h15: coffee break
11h15-12h45 *RUGH II
14h15-15h GREMAUD: "Semi-classical analysis of real atomic spectra beyond Gutzwiller's approximation"
15h15-16h BAECKER: "Flooding of regular islands by chaotic states"
16h-16h30 coffee break
16h30-17h15 LAKSHMINARAYAN: "Multifractal eigenstates of quantum chaos and the Thue-Morse sequence"

Thursday June 30
9h30-11h *FAURE: "Quantum hyperbolic maps on the torus. Examples of non quantum unique ergodicity and role of periodic orbits" I
11h-11h15 coffee break
11h15-12h45 *NAUD "Spectra of differentiable hyperbolic flows" I
14h15-15h00 LEBOEUF: "Thermodynamics of a Fermi gas: average, fluctuations, universality"
15h15-16h00 NONNENMACHER: "Open quantum bakers"
16h-16h45 coffee break
16h30-17h15 POLLICOTT: "Uniqueness of g-measures"
17h30-18h15 JAKOBSON: "Estimates from below for the remainder in local Weyl's law"

Friday July 1
9h30-11h *FAURE II
11h-11h15 coffee break
11h15-12h45 *MARKLOF "Energy level statistics, lattice point problems, and ergodic theory" I
14h15-15h ZWORSKI III
15h15-16h KURLBERG: "On the distribution of matrix elements for the quantum cat map"
16h-16h30 coffee break
16h30-17h15 RUDNICK: "Fluctuations of matrix elements and moments of zeta functions"


Monday July 4
9h30-11h *BALADI "Spectra of differentiable hyperbolic maps" I
11h-11h15 coffee break
11h15-12h45 *MARKLOF II
14h30-16h *NAUD II
coffee break
16h30-17h15 OLBRICH: "Group cohomology and the Selberg zeta function"
17h30-18h15 ANANTHARAMAN: "Patterson-Sullivan distributions, Ruelle resonances and quantum ergodicity in constant negative curvature"

Tuesday July 5
9h30-10h15 *FAURE III
10h15-11h *MARKLOF III
11h-11h15 coffee break
11h15-12h45 *BALADI II
14h15-15h00 DETTMANN: "Open circular billiards and the Riemann hypothesis"
15h15-16h15 CVITANOVIC: "Hopf's last hope: Spatiotemporal chaos in terms of unstable recurrent patterns"

end of school

Abstracts of talks
Abstracts + notes for courses: see main page of workshop