Mardi après midi dynamique

23 septembre 2008, 14h, salle W, 45 rue d'Ulm, Martin ANDERSSON

Stable ergodicity beyond partial hyperbolicity.

We discuss a method for proving stable ergodicity of conservative diffeomorphisms in its most general setting. Namely that of diffeomorphisms with dominated splittings.

7 octobre 2008, 14h, salle W, 45 rue d'Ulm, Frédéric NAUD

Entropy and decay of correlation for some partially hyperbolic systems.

We will focus on two simple families of partially hyperbolic maps: suspension semi-flows and skew extensions of expanding maps. Assuming real-analyticity of maps, we will show in both cases how to obtain lower bounds on correlations functions for well chosen observables. Those lower bounds involve metric entropy and, among other things, imply existence of essential spectrum for the associated Perron Frobenius operator.

30 septembre 2008,14h, salle W, 45 rue d'Ulm Gerhard KELLER,

Perturbed eigenvalues (Rare events and metastability: some precise formulas)

14 octobre 2008, 14h, salle W, 45 rue d'Ulm, Carlangelo LIVERANI,

Coupled map lattices: a survey and some open problems

21 octobre 2008, 14h, salle W, 45 rue d'Ulm, Rafael RUGGIERO,

Rigidity of geodesic and magnetic flows on surfaces which preserve highly regular codimension 1 foliations

28 octobre 2008, 14h, salle W, 45 rue d'Ulm, Daniel SMANIA

Metric stability of deterministic random walks (with applications in renormalization theory) .

Consider deterministic random walks F : I x Z -> I x Z, defined by F (x, n) = (f (x), q(x) + n), where f is an expanding Markov map on the interval I and q : I -> Z (Z are the integers). We study the stability of ergodic (for instance, recurrence and transience), geometric and multifractal properties in the class of perturbations of the type F (x, n) = (f_n (x), q(x, n) + n) which are topologically conjugate with F and f_n are expanding maps exponentially close to f when |n| goes to infinity. We give applications of these results in the study of the regularity of conjugacies between (generalized) infinitely renormalizable maps of the interval. Joint work with C. G. Moreira.

4 novembre 2008, 14h, salle W, 45 rue d'Ulm, Gabriel RIVIERE

Entropy of eigenfunctions of the Laplacian in dimension 2 Given a compact Riemannian manifold M, semiclassical measures are a particular family of probability measures invariant under the geodesic flow on $S^*M$. They are constructed from the eigenfunctions of the Laplacian on the manifold. Not so many things are known about them. In the case of surfaces of Anosov type or of nonpositive curvature, I will try to explain how we can show that their metric entropy is bounded from below by half of the Ruelle upper bound.

11 novembre 2008, pas de séminaire

18 novembre 2008, 14h, salle W, 45 rue d'Ulm, Martin SAMBARINO,

Dynamical systems, roubst phenomena and the tangent map.

25 novembre 2008, 14h, salle W, 45 rue d'Ulm, Jean-René CHAZOTTES,

On concentration inequalities.

For 'nice' (e.g., iid, Markovian, Gibbsian, etc) stochastic processes (X_k), a lot is known about the fluctuations of the partial sum process S_n=X_1+X_2+...+X_n (CLT, large deviations, etc). Concentration inequalities allow to go far beyond this case and to deal with ``complicated'' functions K(X_1,X_2,...,X_n) provided they are Lipschitzian. These inequalities were recently obtained for many `chaotic' dynamical systems. One way to prove such inequalities is coupling. I intend to present this method in the case of Markov chains.

2 décembre 2008, 14h, salle W, 45 rue d'Ulm, Stéphane NONNENMACHER

Quantum resonances for classically chaotic scattering systems

REPROGRAMME: 6 février 2009, Chevaleret